- Specialized Laboratory Areas for Assay Development
- Tissue Culture Room
- Screening Area with Echo Acoustic Nanoliter Dispenser
- Automated Workstations and Plate Readers
Assay Capabilities
Detection capability includes most common read modes for fluorescence and absorbance plus high content imaging, microfluidic assays, surface plasmon resonance, andFLIPR cellular calcium mobilization
- Absorbance (endpoint, kinetic)
- Fluorescence (endpoint, kinetic)
- Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET)
- Time-Resolved Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer (TR-FRET)
- Fluorescence Polarization (FP)
- Luminescence
- Cell based reporter & viability assays
- Kinetic fluorescence calcium imaging FLIPR assays
- Biacore S-200 surface plasmon resonance
- Thermal shift / differential scanning fluorimetry (DSF) assay
- AlphaScreen bead-based proximity assays
Libraries for Screening
We have a diverse small molecule screening library of over 330,000 compounds for HTS, including selected focused libraries of approved drugs, pharmacologically active molecules, kinase inhibitors, natural products, and peptidomimetics. We continue to add to our collection.
- Sigma-Aldrich LOPAC1280
- NIH Clinical Collection
- TimTec Natural Derivatives and Privileged Structures Libraries
- Analyticon Natural Product-Based Library
- TOCRIS Bioscience Tocriscreen Complete and Kinase Inhibitor Toolbox
- Prestwick Chemical Library
- Microsource Discovery Systems Inc. Spectrum Collection
- ChemDiv Divers, Peptidomimetic, Polymerase, Kinase, and Allosteric Kinase Libraries
- Life Chemicals Polymerase Library
- National Cancer Institute Set
- University of Minnesota Medicinal Chemistry Collection
- ChemBridge MicroFormat library, MW-Set, and DiverSet
- Legacy Molecular Libraries Small Molecule Repository (MLSMR)
We also have about 3500 fragments for fragment-based screening, including:
- MayBridge Ro3
- Life Chemicals sp3-Enriched
- University of Minnesota Medicinal Chemistry Fragments
We have industrial standard cheminformatics systems for compound registration, plate and compound management, data acquisition, analysis, reporting, and HTS triage:
- Collaborative Drug Discovery (CDD) Vault
- Pipeline Pilot
HTS Contacts
Henry L. Wong, Ph.D.
Research Associate Professor, Department of Medicinal Chemistry
Co-Director High Throughput Screening & Assay Development Core
Telephone: 612-626-6323
Fax: 612-626-6862
Email: [email protected]
Courtney Aldrich, Ph.D.
Professor, Department of Medicinal Chemistry
Co-Director, High Throughput Screening & Assay Development Core
Phone: 612-624-7997
Email: [email protected]
Deepti Mudaliar
Research Scientist
Phone: 612-625-5919
Email: [email protected]
Kristen John
Research Scientist
Phone: 612-625-5919
Email: [email protected]